House Cleaning Services, Greenland Singapore - frequently ask questions

Is it required  to sign a contract for house cleaning service?

It's not required.

How do I make the payment for home cleaning?

House cleaning payment can be paid by ATM / ibanking or Cheque. We will give you the bank details after confirmation of house cleaning date.

Can I use my own cleaning equipments & detergents?

Most of our clients want to use their cleaning detergents to cut down cost on cleaning stuffs. So we provide cleaning equipments and detergents upon client request with additional charges.

Are your cleaners professional?

All of our cleaners are professional, experience, reliable, obedient and hard working.

How many people will be cleaning my house?

It depends on your house area, cleanliness of your house, cleaning job scopes and the time we are given.

Is there additional charges if cleaning services during weekend?

Yes, there is additional charges S$10 for one-time cleaning on weekend and S$10/session for weekly house cleaning.

Where are they from?

They are Singaporean, PR and some from Myanmar.

What is the service hour?

Daily from 8am to 10pm.

What if something lost from the house?

This is our advise not to put any valuable item while there is house cleaning. But in case of lost, please inform us in 24hrs, and we will be responsible for the maximum amount of SGD $100. If the lost item is more than SGD $100, you can get help from the police to investigate the cleaner. We will not be responsible for any complain after 24hrs.

Is there insurance coverage for breakage of household items?

Our cleaners are always very careful not to disturb or damage in your home. Should there be any breakage in the process of cleaning by our cleaners, we will be only be liable for a maximum of SGD $100. If it’s due to wear and tear, we would not be responsible.

What is one - time house cleaning?

The following  types of cleaning are called one time cleaning service:

How many days do you need to arrange house cleaners for my house cleaning service?

Minimum 2 days. 1 week is the best if you can.

Can I prioritize my cleaning requirements instead of following the cleaning checklist?

Yes you can. You will need to supervise the cleaner/s what are the important area to clean for you.